
How to insert signature in word 2016
How to insert signature in word 2016

There are additional checkboxes that you can select: There is some example text in the window that you can blank out if you want it removed. Instructions to the signer – if you want to give some instructions to the signer, type them here.Suggested signer’s email address – if required, you can enter the email address of the signer.Suggested signer’s title – if the signer has a title, like Dr or Ms.Suggested signer – this is the name of the person signing the document.In the Signature Setup window that appears, type in the text that you would like to appear beneath the signature line: If you click the down arrow to the right of the Signature Line button, be sure to select Microsoft Office Signature Line. Go to the Insert tab and in the Text group click Signature Line. To add a digital signature line to your document, place the cursor where you want your signature to go. When you sign a signature line in Word, you add a visible representation of your signature and a digital signature. How To Add A Digital Signature In Word 2016 Installing The Office 2016 Technical Preview.Second Attempt At Installing Office 2016 Preview.Features That Different Microsoft Word Versions Support.Recover Lost Changes To A Word Document.

How to insert signature in word 2016